A novel coronavirus emerged in China in late 2019 and has since been officially named by the World Health Organization (WHO) as SARS-CoV-2. Labroots will be working to educate the community about this pathogen and the disease it causes, i.e. COVID-19, in an ongoing series of virtual events.
Our 2020 and 2021 virtual events in our ongoing Coronavirus Series, and this year's 1st event held on May 4, 2022 continue to be a tremendous success. These past events are now available for on-demand viewing on the Labroots website. Our next set of presentations will go live on October 19, 2022.
In this year’s event you can learn more about:
- Epidemiology of COVID-19 - Previous, Current, and Future Trends
- Symptoms and Severity of the Disease
- Variants and How the Virus Changed
- Testing, Research, and Diagnostics
- Prevention and Containment, and Transmission
- Vaccines (Host Immune Response - Clinical Outcomes with Vaccines)
- Future Vaccines - mRNA Promise for Other Infections and Diseases
- Global Preparedness
- Lessons Learned
The virus known as SARS-CoV-2 is a member of the coronavirus family and is zoonotic in origin. It is transmissible from animals to humans and is thought to have originated in bats like several other coronaviruses. Researchers are working to learn more about how this virus made the leap from animals to humans and the potential role of an intermediate species.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus has already infected millions of people worldwide. In China, thousands have been killed, leading the World Health Organization to declare an international health emergency, one of only four that have ever been declared.
Researchers have found evidence that the virus can be transmitted by asymptomatic individuals and are working tirelessly to find ways to treat the fever, respiratory illness, cough, and breathing difficulties it causes.
This free event does not require any travel and will remain ongoing; webinars will continue to occur in the future as we find out more about this pathogen. The content will be available for unlimited, on-demand viewing and the global community will be able to interact using chat sessions and live-streaming. This seamless connectivity will be available on any desktop or mobile device so you can view, learn, and interact.
Call for Posters — Labroots seeks poster submissions from individuals, teams, laboratories, and companies for our virtual poster hall. Virtual poster sessions offer the opportunity to present data to a global audience via a PDF poster (and optional audio/video summary) and discuss results with interested colleagues across the globe through email and our networking lounge. Plan now to have your poster included in the Coronavirus Virtual Event Series and this virtual event.
The deadline for electronic submission of your poster title, abstract, and poster PDF is Friday 14th of October 2022 at 5:00 pm PT. Submission is free. Submit your abstract here.
Continuing Education
Labroots is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E. ® Program. By attending this virtual event series, you can earn 1 Continuing Education credit per presentation.
Connect with us!
When you attend the event remember to use the hashtag #LRcoronavirus to follow the conversation and connect with other members of the global Coronavirus research community! Follow @Labroots on Twitter and @LabrootsInc on Facebook to connect with our team and stay up to date with the latest Trending News in Coronavirus research.