SEP 17, 2020 12:00 PM PDT

Important considerations for choosing a SARS-CoV-2 assay

Presented at: Coronavirus Series
Sponsored by: PerkinElmer


Choosing the right solution for your laboratory’s SARS-CoV-2 testing needs can be a difficult decision. With the dynamic demand on labs, making the wrong choice could be catastrophic. In this presentation, we will be discussing the critical factors to consider when choosing the set up for your testing needs:

• Assay sensitivity and reliability

• Availability of reagents

• Throughput and labor requirements

• Sample-to-solution workflow

• Support

Learning Objectives:

1. Specialized work flows required for launching a RT-PCR COVID-19 assay

2. Validation of COVID-19 RT-PCR assays following FDA guidance

3. Requirements and process for submitting for EUA approval

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