APR 02, 2020 6:00 AM PDT

Enhanced. Rapid Target Identification by NGS for Vaccine Development

Presented at: Coronavirus Series
Sponsored by: Thermo Fisher Scientific


Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is the primary technology used to identify genomic targets for vaccine development. Enhanced options for NGS on Illumina systems now make it possible to identify multiple potentially pathogenic strains of a disease and understand the rate of evolution quickly, with improved precision.

Two complementary sequencing methods are used to identify targets for vaccine development. Whole-genome sequencing using the Invitrogen Collibri DNA Library Prep Kits provide the entire genomic assembly, offering an improvement over older transposomic methods. Collibri 3ʹ mRNA Library Prep kits provide gene expression insights into pathogen, host and host-pathogen interactions that can be used to refine genomic targets for vaccine development.


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