MAY 30, 2024 5:00 AM PDT

Maximizing DNA Yield for Biobanking Applications

SPONSORED BY: Omega Bio-tek

With advances in genomics research, personalized medicine, and sequencing-based technologies, there is a necessity for purification of high-quality genomic DNA from large volumes of blood. The rapidly growing landscape of biorepositories that store large amounts of DNA from an enormous number of biospecimens further fuels this need to find optimized solutions for reliable purification of DNA. The information derived from the purified DNA is crucial to health science research and facilitates drug discovery, biomarker discovery, clinical implementation projects, etc. For the success of these analyses and to derive relevant information, DNA extraction is the most critical step and must meet the criteria of extraction speed, yield and quality, as well as reproducibility. Many nucleic acid purification kits and automation workflows for processing blood samples in the volume range of 100-250 μL exist, but not many convenient, automated options exist for volumes as high as 2 mL without sample splitting. To fill this opening, Omega Bio-tek has developed a semi-automated solution on the MagBinder® Fit24 to extract DNA from large volumes of fresh or frozen blood. Here, we provide background information on biobanks, as well as present the solution Omega Bio-tek has developed for DNA extraction from large volumes of whole blood.

A biobank is a specialized repository that systematically collects, processes, stores, and manages biological samples for use in medical research and treatments. The primary purpose of a biobank is to provide a centralized and organized resource of high-quality biological materials, such as blood or tissue, along with relevant clinical and demographic data1. These invaluable assets are at the center of advancements in cancer treatments, biomarker discovery, and understanding genetic factors for disease. At a high level, biobanks can be classified by two categories1:

  1. Population-based biobanks – These biobanks supply biospecimens sourced from a general population, enabling researchers to study the impact of individual genetics and environmental exposure on the occurrence of diseases.
  2. Disease-oriented biobanks – These biobanks supply biospecimens related to a specific disease such as cancer and may collect a single type of tissue that is relevant to the disease of focus.

The commercialization of high throughput nucleic acid extraction technologies has propelled genomic research to unprecedented heights by allowing researchers to process these massive sample numbers in record time with limited manual labor. To fully realize the potential of biobanks for advancing genomics research, a reliable and streamlined workflow for extracting nucleic acids from these biological samples is crucial.

To address this need, the Mag-Bind® Blood DNA HV Kit has been updated to optimize your high volume blood DNA extractions. The Mag-Bind® Blood DNA HV Kit is designed for rapid and reliable isolation of high-quality genomic DNA from up to 4 mL whole blood samples. To maximize convenience, this kit has also been optimized for automated extraction from up to 2 mL whole blood samples on the MagBinder® Fit24 Nucleic Acid Purification System when user-filled into MagBinder® Fit24 compatible plasticware2. The MagBinder® Fit24 is a new nucleic acid purification system designed to meet the needs of low-to-moderate throughput users by providing semi-automated purification of 1 to 24 small or large volume sample inputs. This semi-automated workflow reduces hands-on time, leaving you free to move your attention elsewhere, without sacrificing yield, integrity, or performance downstream. Visit our website to read our application note on this Automated DNA Purification Solution from 2 mL Whole Blood Using Omega Bio-tek’s Reagents on the MagBinder® Fit24 Platform.

Request your complimentary sample of the Mag-Bind® Blood DNA HV Kit today!


[1] Annaratone L, De Palma G, Bonizzi G, et al. (2021). Basic principles of biobanking: from biological samples to precision medicine for patients. Virchows Arch. 479(2): 233-246. doi:10.1007/s00428-021-03151-0

[2] Townsend, C., Durvasula, K., Butts, T. (2024). Automated DNA Purification Solution from 2 mL Whole Blood Using Omega Bio-tek’s Reagents on the MagBinder® Fit24 Platform. Omega Bio-tek.



About the Sponsor
DNA and RNA extraction is the first step for many downstream analyses. Efficient, clean nucleic isolation is crucial. Our goal is to offer high-quality nucleic acid purification solutions to help you improve your workflows for clinical, basic research and biotechnology for cancer research.
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