Date: January 21, 2021 Time: 10:00am (PST) Abstract Learning Objectives Discuss Procalcitonin as a biomarker to help distinguish viral versus bacterial infection Review the literature suppor...
This drug development program is designed to create a family of broad-spectrum, pan-coronaviral drugs that respectively inhibit multiple key enzymes required for viral replication. By target...
Date: September 29, 2020 Time: 10:00am PTD, 1:00pm EDT alytical Ultracentrifugation (AUC) in the biopharmaceutical industry has traditionally been employed in the analysis of aggregation and...
DATE: September 24th, 2020 TIME: 10:00am PT Abstract body Learning Objectives: Review biochemistry and kinetics of PCT in primary and secondary bacterial infection Analyze PCT as a biomarker...
Date: Time: Over the last couple of years, it has become apparent that affinity-tuned CAR T cells display enhanced expansion and prolonged persistence in patients and that this strategy can...
DATE: September 3, 2020 TIME: 09:00am PT, 12:00pm ET xxx Learning Objectives: xxx Webinars will be available for unlimited on-demand viewing after live event. LabRoots is approved as a provi...
DATE: August 26, 2020 TIME: 8:00 am PDT The host immune "recognition" of cancer forms the basis of modern tumor immmunotherapy, a highly targeted treatment option with the demonstr...
Unique physical, chemical, and optical phenomena arise when materials are confined to the nanoscale. We are accustomed to making observations for the behavior of living systems on a macrosco...
The cytolytic activity of Immune cells toward cancer cells is finely regulated through several pathways and receptors. Although end point assays have been routinely used to measure cell kill...
Metastasis is the main cause of death in cancer patients and one of the most complex biological processes in human diseases (Hanahan et al., 2011). The development of therapies designed to f...
DATE: June 30, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT QC laboratories perform a critical role in demonstrating pharmaceutical products are consistently manufactured, safe, potent, and pure. At t...
A key step in the clinical production of CAR T cells is the expansion of engineered T cells. To generate enough cells for viable adoptive cell therapy, cells must be robustly stimulated, whi...
DATE: May 27, 2020 TIME: 11:00am PT Nano-emulsions are becoming increasingly popular in various Life Science and Industrial markets including Drug Delivery, Food&Beverage, Cosmetics, and...
We describe a mass spectrometry (MS) analytical platform resulting from the novel integration of acoustic droplet ejection (ADE) technology, an open-port interface (OPI), and electrospray io...
Provide education on COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2. Review the types of tests used for the diagnosis of infectious diseases. Discuss approaches to serologic test development. Review the ki...
Bioreactor modeling can inform understanding of cellular metabolism—including aspects of growth kinetics, productivity, media consumption, and metabolite secretion—and can be use...
DATE: March 31, 2020 TIME: 7:00am PT, 10:00am PT Please join us for this webinar, during which we will present and discuss the promotion of NK cell-driven tumor immunity. In addition, we wil...
Learning Objectives: 1. Introduce the audience to a general overview of bacterial and fungal contamination 2. Identify areas in the growing and manufacturing industries to monitor for bacter...
DATE: March 24, 2020 TIME: 10:00 am PDT, 1:00pm EDT The Clampfit software module is a useful tool to manipulate and analyze electrophysiological data acquired by pCLAMP™ software. Rece...
DATE: January 14, 2019 TIME: 8:00am PST Drug-induced QT interval prolongation and Torsades de Pointes (TdP) arrhythmias are the leading causes for drug withdrawals from market and compound a...
Striatal neuromodulation through G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) regulates complex voluntary motor actions, involving decision-making, learning, and action selection. The dorsal striatum...
DATE: December 4, 2019 TIME: 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST Targeted protein degradation is a novel chemical modality centered on using pharmacological agents to immediately and select...
Date: January 21, 2021 Time: 10:00am (PST) Abstract Learning Objectives Discuss Procalcitonin as a biomarker to help distinguish viral versus bacterial infection Review the literature suppor...
This drug development program is designed to create a family of broad-spectrum, pan-coronaviral drugs that respectively inhibit multiple key enzymes required for viral replication. By target...
Date: September 29, 2020 Time: 10:00am PTD, 1:00pm EDT alytical Ultracentrifugation (AUC) in the biopharmaceutical industry has traditionally been employed in the analysis of aggregation and...
DATE: September 24th, 2020 TIME: 10:00am PT Abstract body Learning Objectives: Review biochemistry and kinetics of PCT in primary and secondary bacterial infection Analyze PCT as a biomarker...
Date: Time: Over the last couple of years, it has become apparent that affinity-tuned CAR T cells display enhanced expansion and prolonged persistence in patients and that this strategy can...
DATE: September 3, 2020 TIME: 09:00am PT, 12:00pm ET xxx Learning Objectives: xxx Webinars will be available for unlimited on-demand viewing after live event. LabRoots is approved as a provi...
DATE: August 26, 2020 TIME: 8:00 am PDT The host immune "recognition" of cancer forms the basis of modern tumor immmunotherapy, a highly targeted treatment option with the demonstr...
Unique physical, chemical, and optical phenomena arise when materials are confined to the nanoscale. We are accustomed to making observations for the behavior of living systems on a macrosco...
The cytolytic activity of Immune cells toward cancer cells is finely regulated through several pathways and receptors. Although end point assays have been routinely used to measure cell kill...
Metastasis is the main cause of death in cancer patients and one of the most complex biological processes in human diseases (Hanahan et al., 2011). The development of therapies designed to f...
DATE: June 30, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT QC laboratories perform a critical role in demonstrating pharmaceutical products are consistently manufactured, safe, potent, and pure. At t...
A key step in the clinical production of CAR T cells is the expansion of engineered T cells. To generate enough cells for viable adoptive cell therapy, cells must be robustly stimulated, whi...
DATE: May 27, 2020 TIME: 11:00am PT Nano-emulsions are becoming increasingly popular in various Life Science and Industrial markets including Drug Delivery, Food&Beverage, Cosmetics, and...
We describe a mass spectrometry (MS) analytical platform resulting from the novel integration of acoustic droplet ejection (ADE) technology, an open-port interface (OPI), and electrospray io...
Provide education on COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2. Review the types of tests used for the diagnosis of infectious diseases. Discuss approaches to serologic test development. Review the ki...
Bioreactor modeling can inform understanding of cellular metabolism—including aspects of growth kinetics, productivity, media consumption, and metabolite secretion—and can be use...
DATE: March 31, 2020 TIME: 7:00am PT, 10:00am PT Please join us for this webinar, during which we will present and discuss the promotion of NK cell-driven tumor immunity. In addition, we wil...
Learning Objectives: 1. Introduce the audience to a general overview of bacterial and fungal contamination 2. Identify areas in the growing and manufacturing industries to monitor for bacter...
DATE: March 24, 2020 TIME: 10:00 am PDT, 1:00pm EDT The Clampfit software module is a useful tool to manipulate and analyze electrophysiological data acquired by pCLAMP™ software. Rece...
DATE: January 14, 2019 TIME: 8:00am PST Drug-induced QT interval prolongation and Torsades de Pointes (TdP) arrhythmias are the leading causes for drug withdrawals from market and compound a...
Striatal neuromodulation through G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) regulates complex voluntary motor actions, involving decision-making, learning, and action selection. The dorsal striatum...
DATE: December 4, 2019 TIME: 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST Targeted protein degradation is a novel chemical modality centered on using pharmacological agents to immediately and select...