MAY 16, 2014 9:16 AM PDT

Mice With 'MS-Like' Condition Walk After Stem Cell Treatment

WRITTEN BY: Robert Woodard

Human Neural Precursor Cells Promote Neurologic Recovery in a Viral Model of Multiple Sclerosis

A recent study published in Stem Cell Reports describes how researchers at the University of Utah used a a viral model of the demyelinating disease multiple sclerosis (MS) to show that intraspinal transplantation of human embryonic stem cell-derived neural precursor cells (hNPCs) results in sustained clinical recovery, although hNPCs were not detectable beyond day 8 posttransplantation.  Results from this study show promise for developing new therapies to stop the progression of multiple sclerosis in humans, and perhaps even one day reverse its effects.
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Bachelor's (BA/BS/Other)
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