DEC 22, 2017 3:11 PM PST

Augmented Reality App Reimagines Print Photography

WRITTEN BY: Julia Travers

Pictures integrating augmented reality technology can change the way we enjoy and interact with our photos. Lifeprint produces "hyperphoto" print photographs that when viewed with its app possess augmentations including text, stickers, animation, audio and video.
The Lifeprint app can bring new life and dimension to any image or video on your phone. Its hyperprint function allows you to alter a chosen photo with stickers, text or audio. Once it is printed, you or a friend can point your phone at the print and view it through the app to see the augmented version. If you want to capture a video, simply choose a screen shot. When this image is printed and viewed through the app, the video will play from your chosen still.
The printers' rechargeable battery can produce about 20 phots and can receive printing commands over Wi-Fi or through a Bluetooth connection. Check out live footage of it's wonders in the clip above.
About the Author
Bachelor's (BA/BS/Other)
Julia Travers is a writer, artist and teacher. She frequently covers science, tech, conservation and the arts. She enjoys solutions journalism. Find more of her work at
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