JAN 03, 2017 11:45 AM PST

Why Your New Year's Eve is Never as Good as You Hope

WRITTEN BY: Anthony Bouchard

Every year, we celebrate New Year's Eve, the night where the year transcends into the next. Most people party it up, manifesting high expectations for what they think will be a great celebration, on the other hand, many people find that New Year's Eve is disappointing.

In a study, as many as 83% of New Year's Eve celebrators are disappointed with the way their New Year's Eve holiday goes. It turns out that there is a completely scientific explanation for this saddening feeling.

Because people get their hopes up with high expectations, they're often let down when things don't quite go as planned. We often expect to have more fun than we're going to, and this makes us blind to the things that could go wrong.

People are also known to try harder than they're capable of on New Year's Eve. Rather than just kicking back and enjoying it, people feel forced and rushed to enjoy the night, which reduces the chances you'll actually enjoy it like you would any regular day.

In addition to these problems, we tend to reflect on the past year, which happens to jog bad memories of things that have gone wrong, leaving us with a negative taste in our mouths.

Among other things, such as over-spending and drinking too much, we're often left with some lingering consequences the day or day's after, which tends to also take its effect on the New Year holiday's enjoyment.

From the team at LabRoots, we hope your New Year went better than you were expecting!

About the Author
Fascinated by scientific discoveries and media, Anthony found his way here at LabRoots, where he would be able to dabble in the two. Anthony is a technology junkie that has vast experience in computer systems and automobile mechanics, as opposite as those sound.
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