OCT 06, 2017 6:55 AM PDT

Wild Leopard Wanders Into Suzuki Factory in India

WRITTEN BY: Anthony Bouchard

Employees of a Maruti Suzuki factory in Delhi, India were in for quite a shocker after a wild leopard somehow meandered inside.

The leopard, as seen from security cameras.

Image Credit: NDTV/YouTube

Staff first took notice of the big cat on security cameras, and hundreds of employees were consequently ordered to evacuate the building for their safety. Factory operations would halt until the situation was under control.

After the leopard made its appearance on camera, it went on a hide-and-seek binge. No one could find the animal, although it seemed to leave a host of greasy paw prints throughout the factory's floors that hinted to its whereabouts.

Hundreds of authorities from Manesar tried to lure the animal out of hiding with goats and raw meat to capture and remove it from the site, but the attempts unfortunately failed.

Others tried tossing firecrackers into the factory with the hope that the popping echoes would scare the creature out of hiding; these attempts appeared unsuccessful too.

Related: Snow leopard gets downgraded to 'vulnerable' by the IUCN

Only 36 hours later did the leopard finally make an appearance. Officials used tranquilization techniques to capture and remove it from the factory safely, enabling workers to return to their posts and resume production.

The whole shebang allegedly transpired in almost the same place where employees spotted the leopard in initially. One can only speculate that the creature came out of hiding to depart the factory it became trapped inside of.

Because the wandering leopard didn't sustain injuries during its capture, it will get released back into the wild. It will undergo a preliminary medical checkup to ensure it’s in good health beforehand.

As it would seem, Leopards’ shrinking habitat space makes human/animal encounters like this one more common. Leopards are powerful hunters, so situations like these can be dangerous for all involved. Nevertheless, it's still worth noting that humans kill more leopards (of all kinds) on an annual basis than vice-versa.

Source: BBC

About the Author
Fascinated by scientific discoveries and media, Anthony found his way here at LabRoots, where he would be able to dabble in the two. Anthony is a technology junkie that has vast experience in computer systems and automobile mechanics, as opposite as those sound.
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