JUN 01, 2016 4:50 PM PDT

What About Pluto?

WRITTEN BY: Jennifer Ellis
Pluto has been front and center to many recent space discoveries, and it seems we actually learned quite a bit for something so far away. NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft officially buzzed past Pluto at 36,373 miles per hour on July 14th, 2015. This was the first time in history that mankind had ever taken any close-up pictures of the dwarf planet.

Pluto seemed to be such an unexplained mystery; once a planet of our solar system, astronomers would soon demote it to the status of dwarf planet. After the official fly-by, we get to see Pluto in its true colors and learn more about its physical properties than we ever thought would be possible.

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About the Author
Master's (MA/MS/Other)
I love all things science and am passionate about bringing science to the public through writing. With an M.S. in Genetics and experience in cancer research, marketing and technical writing, it is a pleasure to share the latest trends and findings in science on LabRoots.
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