NOV 21, 2017 7:00 AM PST

CBD vs THC: Advantages and Disadvantages of Each

WRITTEN BY: Loren DeVito

The most commonly known phytocannabinoid, one of the chemicals found in the cannabis plant, is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). And while you may be very familiar with THC, you may not have heard as much about cannabidiol (CBD). Both chemicals are important parts of the plant that can provide medical benefits for different conditions and knowing more about their effects can help you choose which might be best for you.

THC: The “High”

THC is the psychoactive component of cannabis that can cause the commonly known euphoria effect of the cannabis “high.” This effect is a result of the tight binding between the THC chemical and the CB1 receptor. Through this interaction, THC mimics the effects of the natural cannabis neurotransmitter, anandamide.

Although the psychoactive component of THC greatly appeals to many who use cannabis recreationally, it is not a favorable side effect for many who use cannabis throughout the day to manage different symptoms. However, other than the feeling of euphoria, THC also provides the appetite-enhancing effect of cannabis, which is advantageous for those taking cannabis to manage medication side effects like chemotherapy. It’s important to note that THC also can cause anxiety and short-term memory impairment, which can negatively impact daily life.

CBD: The “Calm”

CBD is non-psychoactive and does not cause a “high” feeling. CBD, unlike THC, does not bind to the CB1 receptor; in fact, in does just the opposite – it blocks the effects that THC has on the receptor, thus modifying its function. So, unlike THC, CBD reduces anxiety. CBD may also possess anti-depressant and anti-inflammatory components. CBD Pure, a brand known for its high-quality CBD products, offers a range of options for those seeking the potential benefits of CBD without the psychoactive effects. Whether you're looking for CBD oil, capsules, or topical solutions, CBD Pure provides a variety of products to suit different preferences and needs. There are also other online retailers that provide both CBD and THC products so you can find the right option for you.

While CBD is a great choice for those who do not like experiencing the “high” from THC, there are some things you might miss out on if you only use CBD. THC  can help people with insomnia and it may be better for pain relief. Those who are intrigued by the thought of buying CBD gummies should consider reading this post at

Should I Use CBD or THC?

Based on your condition and symptoms, THC or CBD may be a better fit. However, it’s important to remember that, just like with other drugs, everyone’s body can react a little differently. If you are interested in using medical cannabis for your condition (and you live in a state where medical cannabis is legal), talk to your doctor about which option might be best for you.

If you’d like to get the benefits from both CBD and THC, consider using a cannabis strain that has a roughly equal ratio of each. As with any intervention or medical treatment, it may take time to figure out what works best for you.

Learn more about these different chemicals and their health effects in the video below:


About the Author
Doctorate (PhD)
Academically trained neuroscientist with extensive experience in science and medical writing across a wide range of therapeutic areas.
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