DEC 08, 2021 9:00 AM PST

GenElute™-E Single Spin DNA and RNA Purification Technology

SPONSORED BY: MilliporeSigma

Scientists in diverse lab settings often seek optimized technologies and methodologies that improve the quality of their samples and the overall time requirements to obtain reliable results. Recognizing these rapidly changing workflow dynamics for scientists, MilliporeSigma is committed to innovating research tools and reagents that meet their needs. With a focus on rapid nucleic acid purification from a variety of tissues, our GenEluteTM-E Single Spin DNA and RNA purification system enables customers to optimize their daily purification workflow process.

The GenEluteTM-E kit enables researchers to streamline the number of steps typically required to purify their nucleic acid samples while minimizing their overall environmental impact with a reduction in waste materials. Using a lysis buffer and protease mix, followed by a brief incubation and centrifugation step, cell debris and proteins are pelleted from the lysate while the nucleic acid component remains in the supernatant. After transferring the lysate supernatant to the previously prepared purification column, the purified nucleic sample is collected after a final centrifuge step. The purified DNA can be used immediately or stored at 2-8 °C or -20 °C.

GenEluteTM-E single spin technology features not only improve your sample quality but also deliver significant time-saving benefits. Combined, the superior performance of GenEluteTM-E Kits allows scientists to optimize their overall nucleic acid purification workflow so that they can remain focused on their work. The GenEluteTM-E gDNA purification workflow consists of three primary steps, including 10-45 minutes for sample lysis, while column preparation and nucleic acid purification steps only require approximately one minute each to complete. With fewer steps and materials used, this optimized process is designed for labs to sustainably generate reproducible results with the significant time and resources savings accompanying a simplified workflow.

GenEluteTM-E nucleic acid purification kits enable rapid purification of DNA and RNA from a variety of sources, including mammalian cells, blood, tissue, soil, and plant tissue samples. Scientific experts have rigorously evaluated the performance of GenEluteTM-E technology using not only diverse sample types but also for use in relevant downstream PCR applications. In a recent internal study, experimental data generated by MilliporeSigma scientists suggests that the use of the GenEluteTM-E Single Spin Plant Extraction Kit on plant leaf tissue resulted in robust nucleic acid extraction and low endogenous PCR inhibitors from polyphenol contamination. Altogether, GenEluteTM-E rapid nucleic acid purification technology is suitable for a comprehensive array of tissue samples and optimized for use in downstream PCR applications. Discover the immense, time-saving benefits of GenEluteTM-E kits with a free sample.

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About the Sponsor
Millipore Sigma is a leading science and technology company in healthcare, life science and performance materials. Around 50,000 employees work to further develop technologies that improve and enhance life - from biopharmaceutical therapies to treat cancer or multiple sclerosis, cutting-edge systems for scientific research and production, to liquid...
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