AUG 21, 2023 4:56 PM PDT

A New Initiative to Incentivize Competition in the Generic Drug Market

WRITTEN BY: Greta Anne

In a promising move to tackle the escalating costs of prescription drugs, a new initiative known as the Limited-Competition Generic Market Priority Review Voucher (LCGM PRV) Program is making waves. The aim? To revolutionize the generic drug market by incentivizing competition in areas where it has been sorely lacking. This innovative approach comes as a response to the troubling trend of inflated prices for essential generic medications, which has left many Americans unable to afford their prescriptions.

At its core, the LCGM PRV Program introduces a powerful tool to encourage pharmaceutical companies to enter markets with limited or no competition for generic drugs. These markets, where prices have often been driven sky-high due to monopolistic practices, would benefit from an influx of competitors striving to provide affordable alternatives. The program offers transferrable priority review vouchers (PRVs) to companies that successfully develop and market generic drugs in these underserved markets. These PRVs, which can be redeemed for an expedited Food and Drug Administration (FDA) review of a new drug application (NDA), provide a compelling incentive for companies to participate in the program. Read more about the drug development process here.

The mechanics of the LCGM PRV Program are simple yet game-changing. Once a drug manufacturer's application is approved by the FDA, they are granted a 12-month window to submit a full Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA). As long as this ANDA is submitted within the allotted timeframe and ultimately approved, the manufacturer receives a transferrable LCGM PRV. This voucher carries no expiration date, ensuring that market shifts beyond a manufacturer's control won't hinder their ability to utilize the PRV. It's a forward-looking approach that acknowledges the dynamic nature of the pharmaceutical landscape.

The implications of this initiative are far-reaching and potentially transformative. By introducing competition into markets that have long been dominated by high prices and limited options, the LCGM PRV Program could bring about a change in generic drug affordability. 

The Limited-Competition Generic Market Priority Review Voucher Program is a promising and forward-thinking approach to addressing the rising costs of prescription drugs. By incentivizing competition in markets with limited options, the initiative holds the potential to drive down prices, increase supply, and improve access to essential generic medications. 


Sources: Health Affairs

About the Author
Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)
Greta holds her PharmD and is a writer at Labroots. She also has a strong background in neuroscience & psychology. When she is not working as a pharmacist or a writer, she enjoys fostering her creative initiatives such as traveling, working out, spending time at the beach, and cooking!
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