JAN 05, 2018 10:12 AM PST

Could Fido Benefit from Medical Cannabis?

WRITTEN BY: Loren DeVito

With new stories on the benefits of cannabis compounds on a wide range of medical conditions coming out every day, you may be wondering – what’s next? Cannabis for your pets, that’s what!

Yes, you read that right. Pet owners are now using cannabis to treat certain symptoms in their dogs and cats. Although there is very little research available, many people are eager to try cannabis for their pets as alternative therapy based on anecdotes from other owners.

A survey conducted by the Journal of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association found that most pet owners use medical cannabis to treat seizures, cancer, anxiety, and arthritis. And let’s be clear about this – the owners are using CBD-, not THC-, based products for their dogs and cats, so their animals are not experiencing the “high” of cannabis, just its healing effects.

In response to this growing trend, the Colorado Veterinary Medical Association published a statement outlining the potential benefits and risk of medical cannabis for animals. And remember, while CBD may be beneficial, THC can be very toxic, so be very careful in how you choose the products for your pets.

Veterinarians cannot prescribe cannabis to pets – pet owners must purchase medical cannabis through dispensaries that sell items specifically for dogs and cats. And not all vets are on board with medical cannabis. But, if you are considering treating your pet with medical cannabis, you should certainly talk to your vet first.

Watch this short video to learn how some people are using medical cannabis to help treat some common conditions in their pets:


About the Author
Doctorate (PhD)
Academically trained neuroscientist with extensive experience in science and medical writing across a wide range of therapeutic areas.
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