A study published in Scientific Reports indicated that synthetic cannabidiol (CBD) reduced pain for patients with nail-patella syndrome (NPS). NPS is a rare genetic disorder that affects bones, nails, eyes, and kidneys. NPS is characterized by underdeveloped organs and tissues (hypoplasia), abnormal fingernail growth (dysplasia), and skeletal malformations commonly affecting the elbows and knees. Many patients with NPS find conventional treatments ineffective for managing the chronic musculoskeletal pain, neuropathic symptoms, and psychological factors associated with this medical condition.
The study included 32 patients with NPS. 21 participants were female (65.6%) and 11 were male (34.4%). 7 participants were under 18 (21.9%), and the median age was 40.5 years. None of the participants reported experiencing renal insufficiency. Twenty-eight participants completed the 3-month CBD treatment. 4 participants had to stop oral CBD therapy within the first month due to asthenia (an extreme lack of energy) and the research team excluded them from the effectiveness analysis.
Data analysis showed an association between CBD and significant reductions in pain for most of the participants. In addition, quality of life (QoL) scores improved in 48-70% of the participants. Participants who experienced mild to moderate adverse side effects reported gastrointestinal problems. 56.3% of the participants reported constipation, which lessened by month 3. Approximately 18.8% reported diarrhea. 78.1% initially noted symptoms of attention disorders, and 81.3% suffered from sleep pattern disruptions. 68.8% reported having problems with both sleep and attention. However, the symptoms lessened by month 3 for 25% of those with attention disorder symptoms and 46.4% of participants with sleep disorder symptoms.
The study concluded that synthetic oral CBD appears to be a safe and effective treatment option for pain associated with NPS. Synthetic oral CBD offers an alternative treatment to those who do not find conventional pain medication effective or problematic due to the severe side effects of pharmaceutical therapy.
Sources: NORML, Scientific Reports