Laboratory mice are bred to advance scientific and biomedical research. Female mice are able to breed when in estrous which lasts about 4 -5 days a month. The gestation period for murine breeding is about 20 days.
DATE: July 21, 2017TIME: 10:00am PT, 1:00pm ETCRISPR/Cas9 techniques are quickly growing in popularity for the generation of new mouse models for research. Though the approach is relati...
DATE: February 8, 2017TIME: 1:30pm PT, 4:30pm ETThe powerful and expanding use of genetically modified mice introduces important aspects of genetics in managing these strains for breedi...
DATE: February 8, 2017TIME: 9:00am PT, 12:00pm ETThere are many factors involved in rabbit breeding that impact performance. In this evaluation of a Dutch Belted rabbit breeding c...
A crucial part of providing animals for research is successful breeding. Still, in many mouse facilities breeding efficiency is complicated by problems with reproduction, such as pre-weaning...
The environment has been found to be a major contributor to data variability and many aspects of the laboratory environment are stressful to rodents and do not accurately reflect the human ex...
Monitoring the health of laboratory rodents is an important tool for improving the quality of animals used in research. However not all animal facilities have the same requirements, and an ex...
It is increasingly recognized that the genetic background (i.e., all genomic sequences other than the gene(s) of interest) can have profound influences on the phenotype of an animal model. I...
Training for researchers using animals is a requirement in most European countries. However, somewhat surprisingly, the main actor in providing specific guidelines for such training is a scie...
DATE: July 21, 2017TIME: 10:00am PT, 1:00pm ETCRISPR/Cas9 techniques are quickly growing in popularity for the generation of new mouse models for research. Though the approach is relati...
DATE: February 8, 2017TIME: 1:30pm PT, 4:30pm ETThe powerful and expanding use of genetically modified mice introduces important aspects of genetics in managing these strains for breedi...
DATE: February 8, 2017TIME: 9:00am PT, 12:00pm ETThere are many factors involved in rabbit breeding that impact performance. In this evaluation of a Dutch Belted rabbit breeding c...
A crucial part of providing animals for research is successful breeding. Still, in many mouse facilities breeding efficiency is complicated by problems with reproduction, such as pre-weaning...
The environment has been found to be a major contributor to data variability and many aspects of the laboratory environment are stressful to rodents and do not accurately reflect the human ex...
Monitoring the health of laboratory rodents is an important tool for improving the quality of animals used in research. However not all animal facilities have the same requirements, and an ex...
It is increasingly recognized that the genetic background (i.e., all genomic sequences other than the gene(s) of interest) can have profound influences on the phenotype of an animal model. I...
Training for researchers using animals is a requirement in most European countries. However, somewhat surprisingly, the main actor in providing specific guidelines for such training is a scie...
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