Companies / Santa Cruz Biotechnology / Nucleostemin (A-8)
Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Nucleostemin (A-8) | Santa Cruz Biotechnology

mouse monoclonal IgG2b; Nucleostemin, also designated Nucleolar GTP-binding protein 3, is a member of the MMR1/HSR1 GTP-binding protein family. It is expressed in the nucleoli of adult CNS stem cells, primitive bone marrow cells, embryonic stem cells and in several cancer cell lines. Nucleostemin is often used as a stem cell marker. Overexpression or depletion of the protein can reduce cell proliferation in CNS stem cells. Nucleostemin shuttles between the nucleus and the nucleolus and may be important in maintaining the proliferative capacity of stem cells. Nucleostemin is important in the growth regulation of liver cancer, gastric cancer and several other cancer types. The gene encoding Nucleostemin is localized to chromosome 3p21.1.


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