Companies / Beckman Coulter Life Sciences / RNAClean XP Reagent
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences

RNAClean XP Reagent | Beckman Coulter Life Sciences

The only cleanup kit with non-detectable levels of RNase.


Thanks to our proprietary SPRI paramagnetic bead-based chemistry, RNAClean XP reagent enables you to purify RNA and cfDNA from common enzymatic reactions and helps to ensure efficient recovery of your samples.

  • Works with RNA and cDNA
  • Compatible with manual and automated processing
  • Complete removal of salts, unincorporated primers and dNTPs
  • Simple, automation-friendly protocol with no centrifugation, filtration or precipitation steps
  • Suggested for use in over 20 RNA-seq library preparation kits

These products are not intended or validated for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions.

Supporting Documents

Product Brochure

NGS Cleanup and Size Selection

Method Overview

AMPure XP and RNAClean XP Method Overview

Product Brochure

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Beckman Coulter Life Sciences is a leading developer of scientific research technologies that primarily serve the academia and pharmaceutical markets. The company also develops and manufacture solutions for clinical research and for applied markets such as agricultural, food and beverage, gas and oil, aerospace, and several others.