JUL 14, 2016 7:45 AM PDT

The NPS Difference


The NPS difference is how we most effectively convey to customers what makes us unique and different vs. the competition in how we solve their most pressing problems.   

You may recall that the NPS difference was introduced at last year’s National Field Meeting in Chicago and reflected in several new resources.  

In this session, there are four important learning objectives we want you take from the session:    
  1. How to most effectively probe during customer engagement to uncover a “Time”, “Risk” or ”Money” problem.
  2. How to most effectively transition from problem identification to a unique solution consistent with the NPS difference.
  3. How to use the resources, or combination of resources, to introduce and reinforce the NPS difference with customers.
  4. How to create a customer experience that is impactful and creates an emotive connection with the customer because we really understand

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