10:30am EDT

SPAchip Technology, a Window Inside Living Cells



A4Cell develops is based on functionalized silicon microchips with chemical probes to monitor intracellular physiological changes. SPAchips devices can be multiplexed with several biomolecules at the same time (fluorescent probes, DNA/RNA, peptides, etc) and are internalized by endocytosis without disturbing cellular viability; NO TOXIC FOR CELLS.  SPAchip is the perfect tool to analyze cellular process at real time for extended periods.

A4Cell proposes cellomic´s reagents based on SPAchip assays compatible with High Content Screening Platforms (HCS) or other single cell analyzers equipment presents in most Pharma, biotech or academic laboratories where are working in drug discovery, toxicologic studies, cell metabolism and other biomedicine fields. We offer CYTOCHECK SPAchip® detection kits. 
Our Cytocheck SPAchip detection kit offers low toxicity, need low probes concentration, cell tracking for long time, high number of parameters detecting simultaneously and are using in living single cells.

The market for A4Cell products is High Content Screening (HCS) market (that includes any method used to analyze whole cells or components of cells with a simultaneous readout of several parameters.) which has a growing demand on new tolls for living single cells, A4Cell offer the UNIQUE TOOL for tracking living single cells AT REAL TIME. 

The main users of HCS and image analyzers platforms is looking for new and more innovative assays related SPAchip advantages (no toxic for cells, possibility to analyze several parameters at once, tracking cell process and much more). The business strategic will be to produce kits compatible with these platforms (main presents on the market xe Agilent, Biotek, Cytek, Synentec, etc) and commercialize them through these companies that are already operating in HCS market. SPAchip technology will offer them high added value products to increase their offer


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