NOV 29, 2023 8:00 AM PST

sCMOS Cameras For Scanning Light Sheet Microscopy

Sponsored by: Teledyne Photometrics

Event Date & Time
Date: November 29, 2023
Time: 8:00 AM (PST), 11:00 AM (EST), 5:00 PM (CET)
Light-sheet microscopy is a rapidly developing field thanks to the numerous benefits and vast number of implementations when imaging with a light sheet. However, these benefits are best realized when a light-sheet imaging system is paired with a suitable scientific camera. One example of this is scanning light sheet, where the light sheet itself is no longer static and can be moved through a sample, and this movement can be synchronized with the movement of a CMOS rolling shutter.
Join me, Dr. Matthew Kose-Dunn, and my guest speaker and developer of light sheet techniques Prof. Reto Fiolka of UT Southwestern Texas, to explore the effects of scanning light sheet methods such as ASLM, DSLM and more. Could you benefit from using a light-sheet imaging system with scanning? Come along to discover the advantages of this technology and how it pairs with the latest in scientific cameras.
Teledyne Photometrics design and manufacture high-end cameras for demanding, quantitative scientific research, and are the market leader for advanced scientific CMOS technologies.
Learning Objectives
  • Learn about the reasoning and benefits of scanning light sheet microscopy
  • Discover the applications of scanning light sheet in ASLM and DSLM
  • Identify the value in using the latest in CMOS technology for light sheet microscopy
Webinars will be available for unlimited on-demand viewing after live event.

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