NOV 24, 2015 6:00 AM PST

Say goodbye to Gels - Real world use of LabChip micro-fluidic technology for nucleic acid and protein analysis

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Event Date & Time

DATE: November 24, 2015
TIME: 9am EST, 2pm GMT


For many years now, gels have been a fundamental research tool in academic research for the separation and analysis of nucleic acids and proteins. Recently, new replacement technologies have emerged that have become industry standard in biotech and pharma and address some of the limitations of gels.  Generally gels are not simple to setup, take hours to run and require post-run steps to document and store the resulting data. Often, the data storage medium is an acetate or photograph, which leads to archiving, retrieval and security issues. Safety is an issue, particularly if Ethidium Bromide is used. Finally, as experienced gel users leave the lab,  knowledge is lost leading to variability in performance and resolution and of course, the ubiquitous “smile”.
LabChip technology runs samples in under one minute, automatically archives the data electronically, produces high resolution, highly reproducible data and is easy to setup. In this web-seminar, users discuss their real-world experience of using  LabChip technology to replace gels and how the methods compared with each other.  Sandra Doran discusses how LabChip technology changed the workflow at the PathWest Laboratory, away from agarose gel based analysis of nucleic acids. Dr Julius Kostan of the structural laboratory at the University of Vienna, discusses how LabChip allowed them to move away from SDS-PAGE gels for protein analysis and finally Veronika Delcheva, Application Specialist in the Microfluidics application support group of PerkinElmer, will explain how the technology works and the practicalities of setting up a run.

The per-sample cost of running LabChip technology is comparable and frequently less expensive than pre-cast gels so there’s now no reason why academic researchers shouldn’t be benefiting from this technology revolution. This webinar will allow you to hear and put your questions to users who have made the change and judge for yourself if it’s time to start thinking about saying goodbye to gels

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