JUL 12, 2018 6:00 PM PDT

Making Polychromatic Flow Cytometry easy after Instrument Characterization and Validation

Sponsored by: Thermo Fisher Scientific

Event Date & Time

DATE: July 12, 2018


Polychromatic flow cytometry is a powerful tool in measuring and quantitating the expression of numerous antigens present on a single cell. Different instrument configurations or instruments with similar configurations can result in varied results with some populations not being easily resolved. In this presentation, I will present experiments we have performed at QIMR Berghofer to help characterize our instruments and how they respond to different fluorochromes commonly used in flow cytometry. Using this knowledge enables us to better design multicolour panels for our facility users as well as our external clients. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn to understand your flow cytometry instrument to determine individual instrument responses to different fluorochromes.
  • Calculate a spillover spreading matrix to aid in fluorochrome choice for multi-color design.
  • Better polychromatic panel design and fluorochrome choice for antigens of interest.

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JUL 12, 2018 6:00 PM PDT

Making Polychromatic Flow Cytometry easy after Instrument Characterization and Validation

Sponsored by: Thermo Fisher Scientific

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