NOV 16, 2023 8:00 AM PST

Time Savings and reduced compliance scrutiny through error-reduction of chromatography

Sponsored by: Waters Corporation

In the ever-evolving landscape of quality control (QC) laboratories, ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of analytical methods is paramount. This webinar addresses the challenges faced by QC professionals in minimizing errors and failures during LC processes, bringing together industry experts to share insights and strategies that not only save time and resources but also pave the way for a collaborative and innovative analytical future.
The first presentation, Saving Time in QC Development with Reduced Errors in Chromatography, will be delivered by Anthony D. Kammerich, Manager, Laboratory Operations, Alcami. In this presentation, he will explore how Alcami has leveraged advanced technologies and data-driven approaches to streamline the development process while simultaneously reducing errors, resulting in tangible cost savings. Attendees will gain practical insights into implementing strategies to track the cost of errors and project estimated savings.
The second presentation, Improving Our Analytical Future with Strategic Collaboration, highlights the power of collaboration in driving analytical advancements. This session, delivered by Christina M. Sorgen, Sr. Advisor-Chromatography, Eli Lilly, will delve into examples where Eli Lilly has benefited from forming strategic partnerships, including with Waters. Attendees will discover how to navigate challenges and seize opportunities on the path to shaping a promising analytical future.
Join us for this insightful webinar as we explore the vital intersections of error reduction, efficient analytics, and strategic collaboration. By addressing these key components, QC professionals can not only enhance their current operations but also lay the foundation for a QC Lab of the Future that is resilient, adaptable, and at the forefront of analytical excellence.
Learning Objectives:
  • Identify potential causes and impacts of errors in the laboratory.
  • Discuss how leveraging strategic partnerships can help organizations solve analytical challenges
  • Discuss minimizing errors with the Alliance iS HPLC System - built in collaboration with quality control laboratories
Webinars will be available for unlimited on-demand viewing after live event.

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