Parathyroid Functional States: How to Define and How to Assess

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Hyper and Hypoparathyroid diseases are often latent conditions with significant morbidity and at times mortality. The symptoms range from the obvious, such as kidney stones, bone fractures, and seizures to the more subtle challenges embodied by weakness, tiredness, fatigue, headaches, depression, lack of concentration or underlying elevated blood pressure.  As Dr. Rao picks up the normality enigma, its importance will be addressed diagnostically as it relates to the nuanced choices made in the course of clinical management.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain how Parathyroid Hormone is produced in the body and its role in bone and mineral metabolism
  • Define the differences and similarities between Primary and Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
  • Recognize the patient types that are in most need of PTH monitoring

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