FEB 03, 2016 10:30 AM PST

Panel Discussion: Promoting reproducible animal research in journal publications

  • Linda A Toth, DVM, PhD

    Associate Dean of Research and Faculty Affairs, Professor of Pharmacology, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
  • Susan Compton

    Research Scientist in Comparative Medicine; Director, Molecular, Serological and Virological Diagnostics, Yale School of Medicine


Reproducibility refers to the ability of an experiment or study to be replicated, either by the same person or group or by others working independently.  With regard to scientific publication, submitted work is presumed to be replicable by the submitting authors, consistent with the scientific method.  However, it should also be replicable by others.  To promote this, journals should require that methods sections include all information necessary to replicate each result in the manuscript.  This discussion will consider what information is necessary to accomplish that with regard to animal-based research.

Learning objectives:

      1. How can journals promote reproducibility through publication requirements?
      2. What factors diminish the reproducibility of published research?

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FEB 03, 2016 10:30 AM PST

Panel Discussion: Promoting reproducible animal research in journal publications

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