JAN 31, 2023 2:10 PM EST

A Multiplex Immunoassay for Vascular Brain Injury



Stroke is among the most common neurologic disorders and a leading cause of death anddisability worldwide. Among the most long-lasting consequences of stroke and cerebrovasculardisease is cognitive impairment and dementia which is common even after small strokes.Diagnostically, stroke and the individual risk for cerebrovascular disease is difficult to measurewith post-stroke imaging being the most common diagnostic risk assessment. SageCerebrovascular Diagnostics is partnering with Luminex to develop a multiplex immunoassayusing serum and plasma samples that can measure brain vascular injury. In published data, this6-plex immunoassay that measures circulating levels of inflammatory molecules centered on thepleotrophic cytokine IL-18, strongly correlates with MRI measures of chronic cerebrovasculardisease that increase the risk of stroke and dementia. By providing a simple and reproduciblemeasure of cerebrovascular injury in the blood stream, Sage will deliver a new diagnostic toolfor patients and providers to help modify and reduce the risk of stroke and long-termconsequences.

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