Minimizing risks of security of supply


Each step in a diagnostic test’s journey—from raw material extraction to patient administration—can influence outcomes, demanding security of supply across the entire supply chain. The recent increase in the development of biological diagnostic tools, as well as biological drugs, has reinforced the demand for heightened material controls.
The supply chain ends with the patient, and patient safety is paramount. Diagnostic accuracy, drug purity and availability are crucial. A concerted security of supply effort drives risk out of manufacturing operations that deliver quality products to market. Manufacturing and material handling are more integrally tied to assay accuracy than ever before.
Join David Raw to discuss the importance of a collaborative, data-driven approach to analyzing supply risk and building solid foundations improving security of supply to meet the expectations of diagnostics customers. Hear how the learnings gained from unprecedented events help us to continually improve and find ways to modify product and workflow choices to reduce supply risks.
In this webinar you will:
  • Review the importance of security of supply and the consequences of failures in the supply chain
  • Discuss the importance of data in analyzing supply risk and be introduced to the sourcing risk finder tool and the measures that can be developed to mitigate supply risk levels, even during unprecedented times
  • Consider product and workflow decisions that can help reduce supply risks and future trends and considerations in security of supply

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