Lateral flow manufacturing strategies and scale-up towards Point-of-Care (POC) testing



Many challenges exist in lateral flow assay (LFA) manufacturing, from low-volume liquid deposition to device assembly and packaging. In the development and batch-level manufacturing stage, antibody and conjugate selection, material selection, and reagent delivery are critical. In addition, batch-level manufacturing is typically segmented and requires manual quality control (QC) and material assembly. When transitioning from low-volume manufacturing to mass-production, there are a different set of challenges presented, particularly in maximizing throughput without sacrificing quality. In addition, material handling and assembly, automated QC, and drying are critical in the large volume production. Critical to successful lateral flow production is the transition from the batch to mass-production phases.

In this webinar, you will:

  • Learn unique challenges and solutions to reagent deposition
  • Learn the process and techniques used in batch-level LFA manufacturing
  • Learn the unique challenges presented in large-scale LFA manufacturing as well as solutions to achieve a high-quality product while balancing throughput and efficiency
  • Learn strategies for scale-up from batch manufacturing to mass-production

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