JUN 02, 2021 7:30 AM PDT

Industry Response to the Expanding Need in Immuno-Oncology for Validated Antibodies



Identifying reliable antibodies for use in immuno-oncology research is critical to address its recent growth and rapid expansion into clinical trials as mistakes in antibody validation impact patient health and wellbeing.  In this session, Dr. McWilliams discusses important validation considerations to make in your work to help ensure antibodies are on-target and performing as expected.  Unique challenges to antibody validation will be presented, providing a framework for why careful validation is needed and why collaboration between manufacturers and researchers is the best solution.  Recent publications and specific types of experiments will be explored to demonstrate how these experiments can best be applied to antibody validation and what to expect from the manufacturer of your antibodies.

Learning Objectives:

1. Understand the significance of antibody validation, including its needs and challenges

2. Gain insight into the antibody industry validation approach and learn steps to validate antibodies in your lab

3. How a collaborative approach to validation between researchers and manufacturers presents the best opportunity for long-term solutions

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