JUN 05, 2024 9:00 AM PDT

Increasing Efficiency in Clinical and Biotherapeutic Antibody Development

Sponsored by: Sartorius

Event Date & Time
Date: June 5, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM (PDT), 12:00 PM (EDT), 6:00 PM (CEST)
With a comprehensive overview of the developments in immunotherapeutics, this webinar focuses on the utilization of B cells in the production of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) comparing conventional hybridoma technology to more modern advancements. It identifies the limitations inherent in traditional mAb discovery methods and advocates for the integration of Sartorius platforms to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of B cell workflows. The platforms highlighted include the CellCelector Flex for targeted cell isolation, the iQue® Advanced Flow Cytometry Platform for high-throughput cell analysis, and the Octet® BLI Label-Free Detection system for conducting real-time binding assays.
This webinar details the processes involved in isolating B cells, assessing their antibody production capabilities, and verifying the specificity and affinity of the resultant mAbs. Emphasizing the advantages of Sartorius systems, which offer increased automation, throughput, and precision compared to conventional techniques. This is illustrated with empirical data and case studies that demonstrate the efficacy of these platforms in optimizing the development of B cell-based immunotherapeutics.
Learning Objectives
  • Appraise the evolution and limitations of traditional mAbs discovery methods
  • Compare different platforms for enhancing B cell workflow efficiency
  • Discuss empirical data and case studies demonstrating the impact of advanced technologies


Webinars will be available for unlimited on-demand viewing after live event.

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