SEP 20, 2016 7:00 AM PDT

Advanced Analysis of Complex Cell Models with the New Operetta CLS HCA System

Sponsored by: Revvity

Event Date & Time

DATE: September 20th, 2016
TIME:  7:00AM PST, 10:00AM ET


There is a growing trend towards developing in vitro cell models that recapitulate the in vivo environment in basic research, developmental biology, drug discovery, and toxicology. To achieve this, scientists are using more complex cellular models such as ex vivo tissue, primary cells, stem cells, or a combination of co-culture cells to form 3D structures or scaffolds to generate detailed phenotypic fingerprints for deeper biological insights in both live cell and fixed endpoint assays.
In this webinar, we will show how the advanced features of the new Operetta CLSTM high-content analysis system from PerkinElmer can help you to achieve the throughput to assess varied conditions, the resolution to capture high-quality image data and insights from the data.   

Key Learning Objectives
What you will learn:

  • How you can achieve increased sensitivity, speed and quality when imaging 3D microtissues such as liver cells and stem cell colonies
  • Advantages of the confocality, high NA water immersion objectives and powerful  8-color LED excitation provided by the Operetta CLS system
  • How the intelligent scanning software feature - PreciScan - enables more efficient screening of 3D microtissues
  • Tools to develop assays for complex biological designs including 3D image capture

Who should attend
Researchers who are interested in:

  • High-content imaging and analysis
  • Complex cell models for generating more physiologically relevant data
  • Developmental biology, oncology, neurobiology, toxicology, stem cell research
  • Systems biology and phenotypic fingerprinting
  • Advanced cell-based assays

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