MAY 29, 2014 7:30 AM PDT

Ensuring Quality Using IT Algorithms



Case Example: University of Michigan Chemical Pathology Laboratory

Every laboratory wants to achieve the highest quality possible and meet its commitment to deliver timely results. However, managing Quality Control (QC) is frequently a manual and time-consuming process which may raise turnaround time and the risk of errors. In this session, Eric Vasbinder from University of Michigan Hospital will demonstrate proven techniques such as patient moving averages and Westgard rules to proactively manage QC issues. Over the past 7 years, the University of Michigan has been able to reduce errors by 73% and increase volume 97%, while holding headcount flat. Learn the tips and techniques that have worked for this progressive laboratory to optimize QC with the CentraLink Data Management System.

Learning Objectives:

Learn how to proactively manage QC and prevent problems before they occur
Evaluate the right batch size for patient moving averages
Explore the benefits of integrating QC with your data management process
Pinpoint the problem areas and redirect samples to minimize delay and reagent waste

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MAY 29, 2014 7:30 AM PDT

Ensuring Quality Using IT Algorithms

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