OCT 04, 2023 10:30 AM PDT

Empowering Oncology Research: Transmembrane Proteins and Cutting-edge Production Platforms with Live Q&A

Sponsored by: Sino Biological


Transmembrane proteins play a critical role in signal transduction, cell adhesion, nutrient uptake, and immune response modulation. However, dysregulation of transmembrane proteins can contribute to tumor initiation, metastasis, and evasion of immune surveillance. Unraveling their intricate roles provides valuable insights for the development of targeted therapies and personalized treatment strategies. Researchers are now harnessing the knowledge of transmembrane protein interactions to design bispecific antibodies that precisely redirect the immune system to attack tumors specifically. Amid the ever-evolving landscape of life science research, Sino Biological stands at the forefront of innovation with its cutting-edge transmembrane protein production platforms. We are proud to introduce a game-changing solution that empowers researchers in oncology: advanced and customizable transmembrane protein production services. Our state-of-the-art platforms, including Virus-like Particle (VLP), Nanodiscs, and Detergent micelles, accelerate the pace of discovery in cancer research. This webinar will shed light on the significance of transmembrane proteins in oncology research and their potential as therapeutic targets.

Learning Objectives:

1. Outline the role of transmembrane proteins in drug discovery.

2. Review the transmembrane protein production platforms: virus-like particle (VLP), nanodisc, and detergent micelles platforms.

3. Outline the current landscape of therapeutic antibodies targeting membrane proteins.

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