JUN 02, 2021 3:00 PM PDT

Discover the WOLF G2 Cell Sorter, the latest in Microfluidic Gentle Cell Sorting for Immuno-Oncology Applications



The WOLF Cell Sorter from NanoCellect Biomedical was designed to provide an affordable microfluidic benchtop solution to sort cell easily, gently using sterile microfluidic cartridges. NanoCellect is launching the WOLF G2 cell sorter, a 2-laser system with up to 9 fluorescent channels to enable a broader range of applications. During this presentation, we will review several case studies highlighting how the WOLF can use intuitive multi-color sorting strategy to isolate sensitive cells such as neutrophils and improve sample preparation of PBMCs for 10x Genomics single-cell RNA-Seq. 

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