APR 10, 2019 1:30 PM PDT

Laboratory Medicine Beyond The Box: Value Based Health Care & Diagnostic Evidence



Dr. Marlowe's presentation will cover: Integration of technology is influencing practice in the clinical laboratory and treatment of patients in the clinical practice arena. As laboratories begin to move from a volume to value model, the mining of big data and its ability to guide clinical decisions through artificial intelligence and machine learning will continue to alter the value assigned to laboratory medicine. These changes and the challenges they pose will be address to investigate the skill set that will be required from this and the next generation of laboratory leaders to successfully leverage the role of the laboratory in a post-technology world.

Ms. Sickler's presentation will cover: The evidence required to achieve regulatory approval is increasingly not enough to justify adoption of new and often more expensive technologies.  How a test could change clinical care if theoretically utilized in a certain way is no longer compelling to support value.   Clinical evidence must demonstrate in the real world how diagnostic results are integrated into a clinical care continuum and utilized to guide patient care to support value.  

Learning Objectives: 

1. Recognize the changing model of laboratory medicine
2. Define value based care
3. Discuss the challenges to leveraging laboratory data
4. Understand the skillset for the next generation laboratorian
5. Define the different types of diagnostic evidence and common endpoints
6. Understand the drivers of the shifting evidence landscape

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APR 10, 2019 1:30 PM PDT

Laboratory Medicine Beyond The Box: Value Based Health Care & Diagnostic Evidence

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