FEB 03, 2016 3:00 PM PST

Critical Appraisal of Animal Studies



Understanding systematic biases in primary research are important for appropriate interpretation of research and recognizing features of reproducible research. Systematic biases arise from the approach to design of the study. Although many biases domains are common to all forms of research, it can often to difficult to map bias domains to particular practices or design features. In this presentation we will discuss the bias domains that occur in animal-based biomedical research and how to recognize them. The learning outcomes for the presentation are

  • Knowledge of the domains of systematic bias that can occur in animal-based biomedical research  
  • Knowledge of resources including checklists that readers can use to guide them through the critical appraisal of animal-based biomedical research

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FEB 03, 2016 3:00 PM PST

Critical Appraisal of Animal Studies

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