SEP 12, 2018 1:30 PM PDT

Connect Across 1000s of Expertly Curated Genomics Datasets Using QIAGEN's Immunology Focused DiseaseLand Database

Sponsored by: QIAGEN


DiseaseLand is an integrated genomics database and visualization software that helps researchers explore 1000s of public and private datasets covering, but not limited to therapeutic areas such as Asthma/Respiratory Diseases, Arthritis, COPD, IBD, Psoriasis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, and immune oncology. In this virtual conference, Dr. Williams will present an overview of the DiseaseLand database and then explore how users can leverage its knowledge for biomarker discovery and target validation. 

Learning Objectives: 

1. What are OmicSoft Lands and how can I use them in my own research
2. Various methods used to process data

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SEP 12, 2018 1:30 PM PDT

Connect Across 1000s of Expertly Curated Genomics Datasets Using QIAGEN's Immunology Focused DiseaseLand Database

Sponsored by: QIAGEN

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