SEP 02, 2015 1:30 PM PDT

Bioburden and Biofilm Control in the Pharmaceutical Industry



The Pharmaceutical Industry has a diverse set of products all with varying level of microbial risk to patients. On the low risk extreme there are topical pharmaceuticals on the other extreme are the injectable solutions. The higher the risk of patient infection the more controls must be put in place to control microorganism during the manufacturing processes. Pharmaceutical manufacturing companies producing sterile injectables must be ever diligent to control bioburden (microorganism present in their manufacturing operations). One of the most challenging aspects of that bioburden, and one of the least understood, is that of biofilms. Biofilms create challenges related to harborage, detection, and remediation of the bioburden present in manufacturing operations. This talk will discuss some of the challenges that biofilms create for pharmaceutical manufacturing, as well as some of the current practices to remediate these issues.

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SEP 02, 2015 1:30 PM PDT

Bioburden and Biofilm Control in the Pharmaceutical Industry

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