MAY 31, 2018 6:00 AM PDT

AnIML & SiLA: Enabling Integration in the Lab of the Future



This talk will reflect on what we can expect from the lab of the future and explore avenues towards such a digital lab. A major component of a digital lab is integration of instruments, systems, and seamless data flow. We will take a look at the progress of the AnIML and SiLA standardization initiatives, which can provide key building blocks to establish interoperability. While AnIML specifies an XML-based standard data format for analytical data, SiLA provides webservice-based standards for interfacing with instruments. By joining forces, a new ecosystem emerged that allows end-to-end integration of instrument control, data capture, and enterprise system (ELN, LIMS) connectivity.

Learning Objectives: 

1. Identify current trends for digitization and creating a connected lab of the future.
2. Learn about the existing SiLA and AnIML standards and how to solve instrument integration challenges throughout the lab.

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MAY 31, 2018 6:00 AM PDT

AnIML & SiLA: Enabling Integration in the Lab of the Future

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