MAR 30, 2023 5:10 PM CEST

Molecular analysis in the diagnosis and prognosis of haematological malignancies

C.E. Credits: P.A.C.E. CE Florida CE
  • Dr. Geetha Menon, MD

    Clinical Director, Haemato-oncology Diagnostic Service (HODS) Cheshire & Merseyside Cancer Network, Liverpool Clinical Laboratories, United Kingdom
  • Lihui Wang, PhD

    Lead, Haemato-oncology Diagnostic Service (HODS) Cheshire & Merseyside Cancer Network, Liverpool Clinical Laboratories, United Kingdom


This talk will highlight key changes to the various guidelines in myeloid and lymphoid testing, commenting on the current and future landscape of biomarkers. The speakers will then share the developments they have made in the laboratory and how they are applying these guidelines in their molecular service delivery.

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