OCT 07, 2020 6:00 AM PDT

Keynote Presentation: Robotic Radical Prostatectomy: Lessons learned from 14,000 cases

  • Vipul Patel, MD

    Medical Director, AdventHealth Global Robotics Institute, Medical Director, AdventHealth Cancer Institute Urologic Oncology Program, Professor of Urology, University of Central Florida


This lecture will encompass the learning experience I have had over my 14,000 RALP cases.  We will present an evidence based prospective data collection and analysis of RALP outcomes.  We will describe evolution of technique for continence, potency and cancer control. Each technical innovation has led to an improvement in overall outcome.  New technologies such as single port robots have also now entered the picture and are presenting a new learning curve.

Learning Objectives:

1. Understand the key outcome metrics for RALP

2. Understand the technical nuances of the operation

3. Analyze the key patient factors that influence RALP outcomes

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