Laboratory Safety: involves the development of skills and responsibilities to maintain a safe and professional environment to avoid any risk in a laboratory.
With the growth and expansion of mouse and rat transgenic models in recent years, the demand for surgically altered models mimicking human diseases is growing at an amazing rate. Surgical pro...
It is commonly recognized that technicians are the backbone of a successful animal research program. Unfortunately, the invisible contributions that they make as well as the valuable high lev...
An anesthesia system designed to accommodate the physiological characteristics of small animals, including rats and mice, has the potential to provide great practical value to the life scien...
Environmental enrichment can be defined as altering the living environment of captive animals in order to provide opportunities to express more of their natural behavioral repertoire. The cha...
Recent studies show a large prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency in populations of all ages. Concerns about excess supplementation and toxicity have emerged as a result. Th...
With the growth and expansion of mouse and rat transgenic models in recent years, the demand for surgically altered models mimicking human diseases is growing at an amazing rate. Surgical pro...
It is commonly recognized that technicians are the backbone of a successful animal research program. Unfortunately, the invisible contributions that they make as well as the valuable high lev...
An anesthesia system designed to accommodate the physiological characteristics of small animals, including rats and mice, has the potential to provide great practical value to the life scien...
Environmental enrichment can be defined as altering the living environment of captive animals in order to provide opportunities to express more of their natural behavioral repertoire. The cha...
Recent studies show a large prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency in populations of all ages. Concerns about excess supplementation and toxicity have emerged as a result. Th...