Diagnosis: is the process of determining which disease or condition explains a person's symptoms and signs. It is most often referred to as diagnosis with the medical context being implicit.
Sexually transmitted diseases remain a major global public health burden despite the availability of effective prevention strategies to diagnose and treat bacterial STDs. Concerning tre...
Every year, approximately 800,000 critically ill patients are hospitals in the USA with undiagnosed infections. The only option is to treat these patients with broad-spectrum antimicrobial th...
The ongoing research and scientific debate on pathophysiology, classification, nomenclature and diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome illustrates the complexity of cellular membranes, their...
Whooping cough caused by Bordetella infection has resurged in recent years. Dr. Karissa Culbreath will discuss the clinical presentation of Bordetella infection and its public health im...
There are new generations of comprehensive multiplex molecular panels available for infectious diseases syndromic diagnostics. They are able to rapidly detect and identify the most common pat...