Clinical Medicine: is a field of medicine that deals primarily with the practice and study of medicine based on the direct examination of the patient. This is in contrast to other science fields that focus more on the theoretical and basics of medical science. In clinical medicine, medical practitioners assess patients in order to diagnose, treat, and prevent disease.
DATE: August 14, 2019TIME: 9:00am PT. 12:00pm ET Implementation of Lean Methodology in Biobanking Operations to standardize sample management processes is effective. Each proce...
DATE: August 14, 2019TIME: 8:00am PDT Infectious disease surveillance and monitoring is critical in settings where disease outbreaks and antibiotic resistance can dramatically im...
DATE: July 31, 2019TIME: 9:00am PT, 12:00pm ET The choroid plexus, which makes up the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier in the central nervous system (CNS), lines the ventricle...
DATE: July 30, 2019TIME: 10:00am PT/ 1:00pm ET The importance of building a validation structure within your lab cannot be overstated. Once in place, the ability to identify high...
DATE: July 24, 2019TIME: 9:00am PT, 12:00pm ET This webinar offers an overview of C. difficile diagnostic test methods, discussion on the controversy regarding the best laborat...
DATE: July 24, 2019TIMEL 8:00am PT Mass cytometry (CyTOF®) is a powerful approach to characterize the immune composition of complex biological specimens and gain insights in...
DATE: July 23, 2019TIME: 10:00am PDTThe tumor microenvironment is a complex network of different cell types and states that imparts distinct properties to the tumor and plays a signif...
DATE: July 17, 2019TIME: 9:00am PDTViral infections, including those caused by cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and BK virus (BKV) are an important cause of morbidity and...
DATE: June 27, 2019TIME: 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT At present cancer research focuses on three major areas viz. cancer diagnostics, drugs development, and next-generation therapi...
DATE: June 26, 2019TIME: 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT An excessive number of software solutions are available to help manage your clinical, biobank, or biorepository sample inform...
Tumor heterogeneity is a hallmark of cancer and can have significant impact on identifying drivers, including those that may be therapeutically relevant. Although, the traditional sequencing...
Implementing precision genomic medicine in the pediatric acute care setting has several challenges. First, the diagnosis must be made quickly. Second, the determination of pathogenicity mus...
The practice of precision medicine utilizes advanced diagnostic tools to identify specific groups of patients on the basis of particular molecular characteristics, and guide their treatment w...
The long term goal of our collaborative effort is to bring precision medicine to the practice of veterinary oncology, using the wealth of genomic data gathered in human cancers as a roadmap....
Clopidogrel, an antiplatelet agent frequently used for secondary stroke prevention, is a prodrug that requires both sufficient intestinal absorption and hepatic modification to produce its ac...