Animal production: a very important part of agricultural production, mainly due to the effective use of plant production as a source of all types of feed and the major part this industry plays in maintaining the landscape. A specialization in Animal Production emphasizes the scientific application of genetics, reproductive physiology, nutrition, herd health, waste management and business economics in the production of beef cattle, horses, dairy cattle and swine.
Training for researchers using animals is a requirement in most European countries. However, somewhat surprisingly, the main actor in providing specific guidelines for such training is a scie...
Rabbits are commonly used in biomedical research for many years due to its ease of use and phylogenetical similarities with humans. They are commonly used in cardiovascular research (atherosc...
All personnel involved in an animal care and use program are expected to have an appropriate level of education, training and/or qualifications to perform their duties as defined through laws...
FEB 05, 2014 | 10:00 AM
An anesthesia system designed to accommodate the physiological characteristics of small animals, including rats and mice, has the potential to provide great practical value to the life scien...
Environmental enrichment can be defined as altering the living environment of captive animals in order to provide opportunities to express more of their natural behavioral repertoire. The cha...