Join Labroots for the highly anticipated 10th Annual Microbiology Week Virtual Event Series from September 3rd to 5th, 2024! This exclusive multi-day event brings together academia, industry leaders, research experts, virologists, microbiologists, and healthcare professionals for an unparalleled knowledge exchange and insights.
The 2024 Microbiology Week Virtual Event Series promises three days of dynamic presentations featuring invited lectures, engaging panel discussions, and groundbreaking poster presentations. It's your chance to delve into the latest global advancements in the fight against infectious diseases, including breakthroughs in microbiology & immunology research, and stay at the forefront of knowledge to enhance human, animal, and plant health.
Explore diverse topics such as virology, pathogenesis, genomics, epidemiology, microbial communities, and biofilms. Discover cutting-edge research driving the development of improved vaccines, diagnostics, and antiviral drugs for influenza and other infectious diseases.
Take advantage of this opportunity to connect with leading biomedical scientists and stay at the forefront of microbiology innovation. Join us at the 2024 Microbiology Week Virtual Event Series to be part of shaping the future of healthcare.
This year's tracks and focus areas include:
Day 1: September 3rd, 2024
- Plant Response to Disease
- Bacterial Immunologies
- Vertebrate Adaptive Immune Systems
- Immunopathology
Infectious Disease:
- Virology
- Antimicrobial Resistance
- Point of Care Diagnostics
Day 2: September 4th, 2024
Respiratory Viruses:
- Novel Respiratory Virus Vaccines
- Genomics of Respiratory Viruses
- Influenza, RSV, SARS-CoV-2, Parainfluenza
Microbial Communities:
- Microbiome-Based Diagnostics and Therapeutics
- Evolution and Heterogeneity within Biofilms and other Microbial Communities
- Multi-level Omics Data Integration
Day 3: September 5th, 2024
Environmental Microbiology:
- Microbial Ecology and Diversity in Natural and Engineered Environments
- Microbes in Agricultural Systems
- Bioremediation and Environmental Biotechnology
- Microbial Responses to Climate Change and Environmental Stressors
Emerging Methods:
- Machine-learning approaches (identifying and characterizing unannotated genes from the bacterial genomic 'dark matter')
- Predicting Pathogen Evolution
- AI Applications in Microbiology Research
- Optimizing Existing Workflows
This event is accepting abstract submissions for on-demand educational talks on relevant topics. For more information, please contact our Senior Scientific Editor, Sarah Hoffman (
Call for Posters — Virtual poster sessions offer the opportunity to present data to a global audience via a PDF poster and video summary and discuss results with interested colleagues through email. Plan now to have your poster included in the 2024 Microbiology Virtual Week. Submit your abstract here.
Our virtual conference allows you to participate in a global setting with no travel or cost to you. The event will remain open for 2 years from the date of the live event, and the webinars will be available for unlimited on-demand viewing. This virtual conference also offers increased reach for the global microbiology community with a high degree of interaction through live-streaming video and chat sessions.
Continuing Education - Labroots is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E. ® Program. By attending this event, you can earn 1 Continuing Education credit per presentation for a maximum of 50 credits.
Labroots is a proud partner of Chati, a virtual event platform that allows for the hosting of engaging and interactive virtual and hybrid events, catering to businesses of any vertical or size.
Connect with us!
When you attend the event remember to use the hashtag #LRmicro to follow the conversation and connect with other members of the global Microbiology community!
Follow @Microbiology_LR on Twitter and @Microbiology.LR on Facebook to connect with our specialist Microbiology Writers and stay up to date with the latest Trending News in Microbiology. And now, you can also join our Microbiology Interest Group on LinkedIn to connect with us, and the wider professional Microbiology community!