JUL 23, 2018

Is your commute harming your health?

WRITTEN BY: Kathryn DeMuth Sullivan

How far do you commute every day? According to US Census data, the average daily commute is nearly 30 minutes one way, and that number has only been increasing in the last few decades. Commuting has been linked to higher rates of obesity, stress, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, high rates of divorce, neck and back problems, and shorter life spans. Overall, we can agree that it’s not a very good thing for you.

But one study done by the University of Montreal in Canada determined that it depends on the type of commuting you partake in. Commuting by walking, cycling, or by train has shown to have a much higher satisfaction level than commuting by bus, car, or metro. The social setting of your commute also has an impact on your satisfaction level: one study showed that those who commute alone tend to be more anxious while those who commute with others are happier.

Want to learn more about how your commute is affecting your health and how you can improve your everyday commute? Watch the video!