MAY 23, 2024

Event Crossroads: Physical vs. Virtual vs. Hybrid

WRITTEN BY: Sarah Hoffman

There are three types of events people can attend to accomplish their professional goals: physical events, virtual events, and hybrid events, with each having their pros and cons regarding personal interaction, travel costs, global reach, and potential technological concerns (i.e., internet connectivity). With physical events, you have the advantage of face-to-face interaction but also might feel the financial burden of traveling. On the other hand, with virtual events, you have a global reach but might need more personal interaction. Hybrid events offer increased flexibility but often require the most planning and logistics of all three event types.

Deciding which format works best for your event is often challenging. Labroots has partnered with Chati to share the Event Crossroads infographic and help you choose your path to a great event. 

View and download the infographic