However, antimicrobial agents such as penicillin are only made when they’re needed, not necessarily all the time. "Fungi can even deactivate the respective parts of their genome if a metabolite is not needed anymore. These compounds can't be detected any longer and are classified as cryptic compounds," said Christoph Zutz of the Institute for Milk Hygiene, Milk Technology and Food Science at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna and first author of there paper.
In their work, the investigators used valproic acid as a stimulus to activate these deactivated genes in fungi. They found that valproic acid even started the production of several antimicrobial compounds the fungus Doratomyces microsporus.

Interestingly, cPM can boost the activity of other antimicrobial agents. The research team thinks this boosting effect specifically comprises how the compounds work on the tested pathogens.
The scientists therefore went further and tried using cPM with ampicillin in two ampicillin-resistant bacteria. That combination has proved successful in combating the bacteria. "The resistance was demonstrably reduced, even at a lower dose of ampicillin than usually," exaplined co-author Kathrin Rychli.
The team is now plans to look for new antibiotic compounds in other microorganisms by utilizing similar methods."Valproic acid is not the only way to gain active compounds from fungi or other microorganisms. You can also make bacteria and fungi grow together. This also leads to a natural stimulus," said Joseph Strauss of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, who heads the research platform "Bioactive Microbial Metabolites" in Tulln, Austria.
Christoph Zutz mentioned a big advantage of their inter-university research platform methodology. "Unlike industrial enterprises, we investigate all promising metabolites in microorganisms, not only single chemical compounds"
Sources: AAAS/Euerekalert! via University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Frontiers in Microbiology